Wednesday, 3 December 2014

International Soirées, Galettes and Crêpes!


Well the past couple of weeks have been fairly uneventful since I returned from my jollies in Paris and Troyes. I had to get a bit of work done for uni which took up a bit of time, and obviously there was preparing for lessons which takes up more time than you'll ever believe, a few crêperies were visited along the way and of course the Soirée Internationale.

With regards to lesson planning, it's not usually so bad, but I really care about doing a good job, so I take ages trying to pick something fun and interesting for the groups I'm teaching. However, sometimes you end up working with teachers who are never quite pleased with what you do, no matter how hard you try. Unfortunately I work with one. I spent all week worrying about what to do, and stressing once I had picked something because I wasn't sure if it would be good enough or not. Yep you guessed it, it wasn't good enough. I'll go into more detail in another blog post about how to deal with these situations and hopefully it will help anyone else who is in a similar situation.

The International Soirée....oh the joys. Well I'll start from the beginning (obviously). There is a man who works in the Mairie who is in charge of getting all of the international students and citizens of Guingamp together. Well at least I think thats what he does. My French wasn't good enough to fully follow the conversation. But anyway, he got in touch with all the language assistants and international students at the university. The plan was that we'd meet up at the centre social with whoever else wanted to attend and, here's the snag, we had to do presentations about the country we come from. I. Was. Dreading. It.

However, the evening came, and I was armed with my script about Le Pays de Galles. I was so nervous, but as soon as the presentation was out of the war, it was quite nice to be able to chat with some new people. It wasn't quite as I'd expected though. As ever I over romanticise things and I thought I'd end up making friends, but no, I ended up spending most of the evening surrounded by the people I know, just as the French students stayed in their friendship groups too. 

There is supposed to be another evening soon, so I may go to that one too. I was so proud of the fact that I'd actually stood up in a room full of French people, and international people who's French is 10 times better than mine, and still managed to get through the presentation. 

Anyway, apart from that I don't think an awful lot else has happened in the past few weeks. Keep your eyes peeled for my post on being a language assistant. 



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